Monday, March 28, 2016

If I am Pooh, Christopher Robin is my Brain

Story and sketches by Cory. "Oh bother!" muttered Pooh. "What's the matter, Pooh?" squeaked Piglet. "I've lost something very important, and I don't know how to get it back!" Pooh sighed. Piglet nodded seriously. "Yes, I can see that would be a bother. What is this very important something, Pooh, and where did you lose it?" Piglet pondered. "See, that's the tricky part, Piglet. It's not WHERE I lost it. It's WHEN. See, losing something in when is far more difficult than losing something in where." "Oh, I see," Piglet tried to say very thoughtfully, though he really didn't see at all. Pooh sighed a very long, sad sigh. "That's the problem with being a Bear of Very Little Brains, Piglet. I know I've lost it, but I don't know how to find it again."

Suddenly, Piglet bounced up in the air and squeaked, startling himself as much as Pooh. Maybe more. He squeaked again, but this time it sounded more like "Pooh!" than a squeak. "Pooh!" he tried again, and this time it sounded exactly like "Pooh!" and not at all like a squeak. "Yes, Piglet?" asked Pooh. "Ask Christopher Robin! He's ever so good at finding things." Piglet sort of squeaked.

Pooh looked even sadder. "Yes, that's true, Piglet, he is, but you see, that's the real problem - the tip-top of the problem, the foundation upon which the entire problem rests." Pooh sighed. Piglet felt very proud to have found the tip-top and the foundation all at the very same time. "Good!" he squeaked. "No," Pooh sighed again, "not good at all. You see, it is Christopher Robin I've lost." "Pooh?" Piglet began carefully. "Yes, Piglet?" Pooh asked. "Perhaps if we start walking towards WHERE you saw Christopher Robin last, you'll run into When you were last with him and then you'll have found him!" Piglet said in a rush before his thought ran away. Pooh thought this over and then brightened. "Yes, Piglet! I believe that is EXACTLY what we should do! Thank you, Piglet!" And off they went, in search of Christopher Robin, who was lost not so much some where as he was some when.  (7 May 2015)

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